Friday, November 6, 2015

Nano Day 6 - November 6, 2015

Day 6
November 6, 2015
Today's theme: "The Bund" by The Shanghai Restoration Project

Hello all! I am here to share what I have been up to today. Which was quite a lot but some of it is extremely personal so I'm not going to get into that today.

What I am going to get into is where my writing stands as of now. Quick widget:

This is pretty much telling me that in 6 days I have made 21 percent of my 50K word count goal. And that's really rather good for me. :D I'm proud of myself. :D

Especially since Wednesday was just such a flop. That's where getting in some sexual bits come in handy since I tend to write them rather long.

I went shopping and got home around 3:30. Put things away and sat down, staring at my computer for a good hour and a half after I got home. Again, part of those personal bits, but still.

I decided to work on a fanfiction since my mind is rather on the mean side. I now have plans on stringing a guy up by his bits and then having one of my characters preserving them. Yes, it's not a good day to day, thus the warning at the top.

But I did want to share that I am getting words done (hurrah!) and I'm getting things done. So hopefully I will have that lovely little video done and up for you guys. Since I have to rerecord it. But that'll happen tomorrow.

For now, I'm just going to tell you guys that I am getting my words down. And for all those writers out there, that I hope your words are coming to you to. Hugs all.

NaNo Day 5 - November 5, 2015
Nano Day 7 - November 7, 2015

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