Monday, July 25, 2016

Camp National Novel Writing Month July - 7/18 to 7/24

Today's EarWorm: "Wear Me Out" by Skylar Grry
Today's Date: July 25, 2016

July 18, 2016
Words Gained Today:
Total Words Today:
Thoughts and Notes:


I am exhausted. Drained. But I'm still up and working on a story. Which is about normal for me. I have gotten some words, so we'll see how I do with the rest of this rewrite on this long smutty smut.

Like 8 pages worth of smut okay? I'm on page 3. I'm sighing and whining so hard right now.

Just...*headdesks* Yeah.

July 19, 2016
Words Gained Today: 0
Total Words Today: 21092
Thoughts and Notes:

I had an early morning appointment. I'm exhausted. I'm going to go to sleep now. Yes, without words. The next few months are going to drive me insane. *sighs*

July 20, 2016
Words Gained Today:
Total Words Today:
Thoughts and Notes:


Hmm, let's see. I have gotten a chapter written (hurrah) and it's time to move to write something naughty. It's liable to add minimum 2K to my word count. To be honest? I'm still exhausted so I might crash out early again and see if I can't get some sleep in. Then get up tomorrow and write.

But for now I'm going to write. Here I go!

July 21, 2016
Words Gained Today: 0
Total Words Today: 22500
Thoughts and Notes:

See the 23ed edition.

July 22, 2016
Words Gained Today: 0
Total Words Today: 22500
Thoughts and Notes:

See the 23ed Edition.

July 23, 2016
Words Gained Today: 3,377
Total Words Today:26,967
Thoughts and Notes:

9:04 PM

I am not even going to try to fill in what I was thinking during the last couple of days because most of the last two days was spent in a pain filled or drugged up filled daze. I'm sure those of you who follow my twitter account saw that yes, I was working on a chapter. But since it was kind of an erotic scene and I was in pain, it took me until today to get it down and out.

Which really kind of set me back. Luckily, it was over 2K and I was able to get it down. Right now I'm working my way through a rewrite that I started but had to stop because I needed more than just a couple hundred words. But that's about normal for me.

I'm still tired. Still in pain. And very much want it to be the 10th of August so I can hang out with my best friend and go see "Suicide Squad". But I'll continue to wait.

And watch horror movies from South Korea because I love their horror movies.


Had to re-add all my word counts and figure out what my final word count was. Which was actually in the 26K+ range, so that helped me out a lot.

I am so glad that I keep such detailed wordcount information. I really am.

July 24, 2016
Words Gained Today:
Total Words Today:
Thoughts and Notes:


I am sitting here working on creating a series of drabbles and short pieces for Saturday postings. The first series is going to be called Just a Little Murder and it's actually spawning its own book series. The entire series (both book and short pieces) will be called Murder and Love (or Lust later on. We'll have to see how it goes in the long run.).

So be on the lookout for that. I have 16 short pieces that are currently ranging from 400 to 650 words a piece, and for the information post about what is going on with my short pieces and drabbles.

I'm actually really happy with how this world is coming together, but just remember, the Murder and Love/Lust series are pre-book, and just help fill in some information I'm thinking. That and giving me and you, the reader, a feel for the world.

But I also got a full chapter written. The drabbles alone gave me 1,677 words, but this newest chapter gave me another 1,671 words. So yay!

I'm going to go edit a few things, set up a few chapters for other things, plot the next set in the Murder and Love/Lust series, and maybe fiddle around with some rewriting since I'm now ahead in my word count.

We'll see.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Camp National Novel Writing Month July - 7/11 to 7/17

Today's EarWorm: James Michael - Learn to Hate you
Today's Date: July 18, 2016

July 11, 2016
Words Gained Today: 0
Total Words Today: 11,727
Thoughts and Notes:

Well, I was writing but I was kind of foggy for most of the day due to the damn heat. But I did get some planning done! Which was nice.

July 12, 2016
Words Gained Today: 6,442
Total Words Today: 14,900
Thoughts and Notes:


I got a chapter written and a chapter edited! I have 5 more chapters of this story to write and a brand new story idea to play with. This is...going to be fun since it's based on the song that is today's ear worm. Go listen. And I mean LISTEN to what he sings. I'll wait.


All done? Spoke to you? Yeah, it spoke to me in a deep way that I now need to write something that will rip out a person's heart and puree it before filling a new mold and setting a new heart for them later in the story. It'll be fun.

For me.

Midnight: I got my words.

July 13, 2016
Words Gained Today: 1,453
Total Words Today: 16,353
Thoughts and Notes:

Wow, yeah, today was kind of a very slow day since I was just out of it. Not surprising at all since I got like 2 chapters and a rewrite done yesterday, but I did get my finished wordage today. That's always nice.

July 14, 2016
Words Gained Today: 0
Total Words Today: 16,353
Thoughts and Notes:

Not really sure as to say what happened today beyond the fact that my muses were like rabbits on crack. They could not sit still.

I actually ended up planning out part of a mini-story, several one-shot stories, and some more of my various other stories. So there's that.

July 15, 2016
Words Gained Today:
Total Words Today:
Thoughts and Notes:

2:34AM: It is after 2AM right now. I should be in bed. I am not. Instead, I am writing. My life people.

July 16, 2016
Words Gained Today: 2,059
Total Words Today: 19,209
Thoughts and Notes:

Not much to say about this. Got a long chapter done, and am going to bed at a decent hour. I'm exhausted.

July 17, 2016
Words Gained Today: 0
Total Words Today: 19,209
Thoughts and Notes:


Haven't gotten any words, but have been going through #ShitAbledPeopleSay tag on twitter. I feel all of these! I swear. Gonna go add some of mine.

After Midnight:

I did get words, so no worries, but unfortunately for me, it was after midnight when I finished the chapter, so it's going on to Monday's word count, which doesn't hurt me since it just means I 'll have at least 2 chapters written on the day.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Camp National Novel Writing Month July - 7/4 to 7/10

Today's EarWorm: We the Kings "Phoenix Hearts"
Today's Date: July 11, 2016

July 4, 2016
Words Gained Today: 3239
Total Words Today: 7,133
Thoughts and Notes:

Mmm, what to say about today? It went surprisingly well. I got lots of words after midnight rolled around. Got two chapters down and introduced a more sexualized character then I normally do. It'll be a slow start for the most part, since I do have to kick a few characters around before we get to the meat of the story.

I also got some rewriting done which was nice. Now that it's after 4AM I'm going for more words and hopefully I'll get them done before I crash out. That is if I don't crash out in self defense from hallucinations. Tea and coffee will be my friends for this month. I swear.

July 5, 2016
Words Gained Today: 0
Total Words Today: 7133
Thoughts and Notes:

Okay, so I got a few words in but nothing to add to my count. Why? Because I crashed out so hard when I finally went to bed. It was ridiculous. I try tomorrow.

July 6, 2016
Words Gained Today:
Total Words Today:
Thoughts and Notes:


Oh look, words! Yay for me! I got up at 6:30AM and it only took me until about 4PM to get the words. Why? Because I was exhausted and felt like dragging my feet mostly. Luckily I didn't have to shop today but I'll be doing so tomorrow. Which will be nice.

I hope.

Anyways, I'm going in for more words. Time to roll up those sleeves and get them!

July 7, 2016
Words Gained Today: 0
Total Words Today: 8,558
Thoughts and Notes:

Today was just not a happy day since I had to go shopping. That left me drained and just so very tired.

July 8, 2016
Words Gained Today: 0
Total Words Today: 8558
Thoughts and Notes:

It's nearly 8PM as I write this starter bit to today's section and I'm compulsively scratching at my skin. This tells me that my anxiety is high. It's not because of the fact that I'm doing Camp NaNo, it's because I'm not writing.

That is, I haven't gotten enough writing in for the last couple of days to really do me any kind of good to satisfy my hypergraphia. If you're new to my blog, hypergraphia is like a physical itch, a need to write. I can't just stop writing.

I end up with anxiety and scratching at my own skin. I've already scratched myself bloody a few times since this shit really kicked in, so I'm trying very hard not to do that now. I think that I will take a few minutes, shape my nails (and get rid of any rough edges) and take a hot bath while reading. After that, I will sit down, watch MrKravin on youtube (watching his play through of Until Dawn), write and I think...just ignore the world for a little while.

There is just so much hate going on that people who have all sorts of triggers for their anxiety are probably going through a lot of what I'm going through. We just want the hate to stop, to let us breath and be what we keep saying we are.

I'm not going to get into that because that's just not a pretty thought process and it's not what my blog is all about.

So I'm going to go play some Knights and Brides on Facebook, watch my twitter for interesting links to click that are rather random and have nothing to do with the outside world, take a hot bath, and watch some interesting play throughs while I write.

I'll keep you guys updated on what is going on.

July 9, 2016
Words Gained Today: 1619
Total Words Today: 10,177
Thoughts and Notes:

So I got words. After midnight. I was able to just cool off (since it's been pushing 109, 110 here again) and finish off that chapter. Tried to write after I woke up. Didn't work. Not all that well at least. So I read a lot, crash early, handwrite a chapter to my Superhero novel.

So once I type those words up I'll lay claim to those later this week. So that's nice.

July 10, 2016
Words Gained Today:1,550
Total Words Today: 11,727
Thoughts and Notes:


I am slowly getting words when a fellow spoonie comes up with "Some people have euphoria during migraines? I want."

Now mind you, euphoria during a migraine pretty much means you don't care you're hurting, you feel good emotionally and somewhat mentally while the pills are working. But the moment that migraine is gone and euphoria wanes, there's a crash.

I hate to break it to her, but that crash can be BRUTAL. I have, at least when I feel the migraine coming on. When I wake up to one, not so much because I'm well past that stage into "damn it, hospital here I come" stage by then.

But it's the crash that really can mess with someone. Cause you have all these lovely feelings/thoughts/whatever going through you and they die a horrible death once the migraine is gone. It's like a bad drug trip that started out wonderful okay?

It's not worth it and I've been fighting off sinus headaches for the last two days so I'm going to take some sinus pills and write.

10:45 PM

I got my words. Barely before I have to crash out, and I suspect hard, but I got them! Hurrah. Or something. Ugh.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Camp National Novel Writing Month July - 7/1 to 7/3

Today's EarWorm: Spells by Orgy
Today's Date: July 4, 2016

This one is kind of short since I just started Camp on Friday, and seeing as these things from from Monday to Sunday, this is the last 3 days.

So let's get started, shall we?

I had to work on figuring out what song was the best earworm, but that took me a bit. I finally decided on the above so I do hope that you enjoy.

July 1, 2016
Total Words: 3,894
Total So Far: 3,894
Thoughts and Notes:

So I kind of started rather late all things considered, about 10 in the morning, 3 hours after I got up. I was going to start at Midnight but about that time I got up from my nap with a migraine that was pounding in time with my heart beat. So I took pain killers (enough to drug me into sleep for about 6 and a half hours and leave me a bit fuzzy for the rest of the day), ate some toast, drank a bit of coffee, took a hot shower, and crashed. Crashed out hard.

Well worth it though.

But I did get two chapters on another story written, mostly because it was going to be one long chapter, but I had to split up one of my chapters into two which annoyed me. But hey, I'm not one to leave a long chapter in one piece unless it's sex. Then it stays put because I don't like to split up sex scenes.

I also got a chapter on another story rewritten, which made me happier. I'm going to go take a hot bath and depending on the time here, I will either be going to bed or writing another chapter. We'll see how it goes once I take my meds and relax a bit.

Because tomorrow? Long ass shopping trip. Very long ass shopping trip. Urgh.

July 2, 2016
Total Words: 0
Total So Far: 3,894
Thoughts and Notes:

I went shopping starting around 11 in the morning. I didn't get home until close to 5 that night. And that was with like ten minutes sitting down and eating actual food while figuring out money and budget. Yeah, it was not a fun day.

Haul video is going to be recorded and edited later on. For now I have words to do.

July 3, 2016
Total Words: 0
Total So Far: 5359
Thoughts and Notes:

Okay, so first of all, that total is AFTER midnight on the 4th, so on the 3ed I got no words, but that is my current count.

Let me tell you what, I suffered all day with sore shoulders and a building migraine until I took a damn pain killer and some muscle relaxants. It turned out to be a good thing. But it still took me nearly 3 hours to unwind enough to write the chapter and get the word count.

Which happened just before 2:50 AM in the bloody morning. It's a good thing I have a lot of tea and coffee right?


This month is not happy so far. Here's hoping the rest of the month is.

Remember, you can find me on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, CampNaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo!