Day: 5
November 5, 2015
Today's Theme Song: Wings of a Butterfly by HIM
Today was just not a good start for me, again. I got up at a semi-decent hour, around 12:30PM this afternoon but I was still out of it. I hate healing from over doing it. On top of that, today was just not a happy day all around with my jaw.
I still have some jaw issues going on but I'm doing better which is nice.
Tomorrow though shall not be fun. I'm going to be shopping tomorrow when I'm not writing. Whenever my aunt gets over here really which will probably be around noon as usual. Fun times.
But today, I got the first part of a story for a friend done! Yay! I started it yesterday but yesterday was just not happening. No matter how much I wanted it to happen. But I did get in some good words which makes me insanely happy with myself.
It is currently 8:45 PM here and I'm about to turn back to writing chapter 4 of my NaNo WIP, hoping to either finish before I go to bed or before my aunt gets here. Which ever happens.
I'm still doing much better then anticipated. And tomorrow, sometime, I'm going to be doing a "Get to Know Me" video that I will share once I have it done and up.
For now, today's story bits come from Chapter 3!
Perched in bed, computer opened before him on his laptop stand, Markus nibbled at his bottom lip as he thought about what he was going to post while his other computer ran a facial search for him. Alexander had drawn out a picture of the sweet boy that Sara had been reborn as earlier while Markus has napped off their long night. Currently his lover was working on another picture, this one of who they thought might be Adrian, five other pictures in the rough sketch phase spread over his work desk as he worked in the study.
Markus on the other hand was writing on a blog that many thought was an ARG blog with the occasional vlog that was done between him and Alexander based on their own urban legend. It amused him to the extreme but it also allowed him to get out the words that he kept deep within his very soul.
Placing his hands on the keyboards, he started to write, nibbling at his bottom lip in thought.
Ahh, but what could our dear Markus be thinking about? We'll you'll just have to wait for the story to finish now won't you?
I can tell you this, this chapter was a pain to write. So is chapter 4 to be truthful. But I shall persevere!
And that's all you can do. Power through those difficult chapters. Read some stories. Watch a movie. Listen to music. Talk with friends. Stab a stuffed animal when you get frustrated. Keep the stabbing to stuffed, non-alive animals or things please. No need to take it out on the living creatures.
But keep going. Don't stop. Don't let anything stop you. You are the writing. You have the control. So keep it and keep writing.
Nano Day 4 - November 4, 2015
Nano Day 6 - November 6, 2015
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