Monday, January 25, 2016

Praise the Writing Gods!

Today's Muse Feeder: Porcelain Doll by Megan Mccauley
Date: January 25, 2016

Praise be to the muses!

Why do I say this? I say this because I got bored while I was trying to figure out an ending to a gift fic for a friend for Valentine's Day, and found some of my old originals that I thought I had lost when my old flash drive re-formatted on me. I can tell you it took me three run throughs with a file recovery software to find most of my files.

Still lost three really big files that I was working on, had to go around and find my friends who had copies of things.

Apparently I hadn't lost these files though, just tucked them into a folder within a folder.

Shoot me, I'm OCD and I break down stories according to fanfictions or originals, and then further by world, chapters, edited chapters, and posted chapters (for fanfiction) or by world, chapters, rewritten world, edited chapters, and various copies as I rewrite and edit each story.


I found them. One is called "All You Need" which is about a man who can shift his looks. He's pretty much a one man escort service (no sex is expressively stated in all contracts, which I'm going to be going into further in the rewrite) and has had his fair share of heart break. At least until he meets his newest client and finds himself falling.


I'm going to be building the world from right around when he turns 16 and meets his first boyfriend, and goes through his life.

It'll end up a M/M romance, but will have M/F pairings in there to.

The other is just known as my Lex/Rose story. They are both males but Rose's parents were kind of on the hippiesh side. The base story I have now has them meeting, getting to know each other, and starting to date.

I plan to expand it from like the 11 to 13 chapters it is now up to at the least 20 to 25 chapters, really get in there in regards to the neighborhood stalkers and the bs that they have to deal with.

Build up their pasts some more, less information dumping, more spreading it out.

I need to name the cat in the story to. *pulls out legal pads and sets about planning for things*

Wish me luck as I tackle these? I'm hoping to actually have some kind of outline done by the end of January.

Here goes nothing!
Comments are love and responded to. Anonymous comments are moderated, just warning you guys. 

I shall update as I go along with this.

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