Monday, August 22, 2016

Let's Talk Pantsing VS Outlining

Today's EarWorm:
Today's Date: August 22, 2016

So let's talk writing and Pantsing VS Outlining said story.

Why am I going over this thought process? Because I have my ex-retail worker turned supernatural hunter story that is giving me bits and pieces of story and no real outline as to what is going on and when it needs to happen.

No, instead it's giving me bits and pieces for the damn thing.

Yeah. Joy. Fun. Really...


BUT! It did give me an idea for this weeks blog. Pantsing VS Outlining.

First, what is Pantsing? And what is Outlining?

Well, pantsing is a writing term that is defined as "writing by the seat of your pants". Pretty much you're writing whatever comes to your head without any kind of plan.

Outlining is the writing term for planning out your story from start to finish in a linear fashion. Pretty much you have something like the following examples. (Note: This is actually how most of my outlines end up looking like, either or.)

Example 1:

  1. Character's Name
    • Plot point
      • SubPlot Point
    • Plot point
      • SubPlot Point
    • Plot Point
      • SubPlot Point
  2. Character's Name...
Example 2:
  1. Characters Name/Scene Name
    • Plot point that's more a short summary of what is to be written on during the chapter. This allows you to just write an idea down but still leave it with some flexibility to go in and change things as you write.
  2. Characters Name/Scene name...
Okay, so we know what outlining and pantsing is. Which one is better?

Actually...neither is better. 

Say what now?

Don't get your panties in a bunch. It all depends on one factor: The Writer. I know some people who can't outline for their life. It either kills their muse or they just can't figure it out if they try. I know other writers who can't write without one. The story doesn't work for them.

For me? I tend to go with whatever the story calls for. For my ex-retail worker story it's kind of a mix of pantsing and outlining it. I have 2 chapters written already and know what I'm going to do in about six chapters, but I don't know what I'm doing in those six chapters, so I'm pantsing them (somewhat) while I write it.

I know that the story itself is going to be shortish, around 20 to 50K in length and leads into two more books. 

And I'm still mostly pantsing the damn thing.

But...I thought you outlined?

I do. But not all of my stories come with a handy outline and even then I tend to outline about 10 chapters and write notes down for future plot points along with where they land in the future of the outline. 

This story is just mostly pantsing it. But I tend to outline.

In fact, I tend to outline in my files depending on where I'm writing the story. Since I write mostly in google docs (mostly for the fact that I can haul the sucker around with me on a mobile device to write when I don't have my computer), I can do that. 

With that way, I tend to go with the Character name/Scene with a summary paragraph/sentence. It works for me.

But I have to say this (and if you follow me on Twitter at @SLStrailo) you'll know that I don't consider either way superior to the other. I've done both exclusively and found that I work best if I'm fluid in how I plan out a story. Depending on the story, the length, and the amount of information I have for the plot will state on how I go about doing my planning for the story.

So, for example, take When My Eyes Close. I am outlining about 5 chapters past the chapter that I'm writing, which is normal for my outlining. I have my notes for future plot points to.

But for the ex-retail worker story (yes, I still have NO name for it), I'm kind of writing as I go. The same goes with the next part of the current series of short pieces that I'm working on called Murder and Lust. I don't really know what I'm going to do with it, but I know that I'm going to continue this series and work out what I want to do with the book series.

Again: I don't consider either Pantsing or Outlining to be superior either or. There is no right or wrong way to plan and write your story.

This is just me putting forth what they are and how I use them for my own writing. I mix. Others pants. Others outline. Yet others used to outline but now pants, while others used to pants but they now outline their stories. 

Guys, it's all about you and how you feel when you go to start a story. It's what works for you and for your stories. Don't try to shoehorn yourself into one or the other. Find what works.

And if flying by the pants while you write is your thing, embrace it.

Or if you need to plot out every single little detail of your story, work it! You plan to your hearts content.

Just get those words out. Write that novel that is lurking in your head and your heart and your soul. Do it. Go for it. 

Now I'm going back to cursing at this story. I have some rewriting to do.

If you want to, don't forget to follow me at Twitter, on my Facebook Page, or my Tumblr Account! I don't bite and I love to talk with my readers and followers. 

Enjoy yourselves you guys! Write. Read. Live!

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