Today's Date: May 9, 2016
Forwarning: This is going to be slightly rambly because there has been a lot that has gone on in the last 9 plus days. But this is what I'm going through and what I'm thinking and what I'm planning so buckle in and read each section's title.
My Friend Tonya
The last couple of months have been extraordinarily busy for my friend. She has, like me, chronic pain, but unlike me she has found a good chronic pain specialist who has been sending her to get various tests done. Which is good for her.
But makes life a tad busy for all of us since some of those tests are to see how she reacts to epidurals steroid shots. What happens is she's put under so that they can take long ass needles and stick them on either side of her spine.
She did the last one of her spine shots on May 2nd and I was babysitting a mutt while exhausted and doing a younow stream. I'll talk about the stream later in this post, promise. But she has a few other shots to go yet and those will be happening on the 9th and later on the 26th of this month.
She also lost her mother on Wednesday but we have been prepared for this for a long time. 7 Years and about 5 different types of cancer in those years will do that to someone who is having to watch. We knew that she wouldn't have long since the doctors couldn't unfortunately do a whole lot since through all of the other cancer's she became allergic to the chemotherapy and it was such an aggressive cancer this time.
She lasted a month at home with hospice care, dying with her husband by her side, holding her hand.
Tonya spent yesterday smoking her cigarettes and having an adult smoothie. Fruits, vanilla smirnoff vodka, and some juice okay? Adult smoothie.
So my friend isn't bad, but still it's been a stressful time for all of us since we do have to go with her to the appointments due to the fact that she is knocked out for the shots.
Camp National Novel Writing Month
Yep, that's right, I won April's round of Camp! I'm rather proud of myself really since it was such a fight to get the words out and down. I got about four chapters into Book 0 of the Don't Look series, the book called Thread the Needle. I have to work out what I want to continue to work on with it before I do anything with it thought so that's going to take time.
I did get some one-shots, gift fictions and a few other things done which was nice.
But still it was so hard to get the words down, but I did get them.
Personal Life
My personal life is just kind of eh right now. I'm having to say no to people just to keep my sanity and of course jury duty decided to pop up. *rolls eyes* So now I'm having to go "I can't do jury duty because of this reason" and having to call them and all that good shit. I'm sighing and stressing.
Not good for my health.
My writing is actually going okayish. I'm getting words, which is nice, but I spent most of last week rewriting with very little actual writing because I was just so busy with everything else.
I am focusing on Thread the Needle, figuring out what I want to do with it and how to go about doing it. I have the family and their names, have hinted at how the world is built (because it's historical but it's not at the same time), and have been thinking about how to mess around with that world.
I'm about 17 chapters through my first book of my superhero series, called Ages, and still have something like 19 more chapters to write before I put it to the side to sit and contemplate the second story for the series. It's now up to about 8 books in the series, but it's going to be interesting to write in the long run.
I'm also working on book 1 of my Crimson series that is pretty much the rewritten version of my NaNo book from 2010 or there about. That's making me happy.
I'm also doing the next anthology for Forward Motion (2016 one, 2015 shall be out soon!) with the prompt "Open Roads". I need to write that so I can have time to rewrite and edit it actually. I'm planning on doing that sometime this month.
Younow Streaming
Yes! I stream on I'm called SunnyLewis on there and I've only done 1 or 2 so far. I'm trying to figure out the best way to get things going so we'll see how things do in the following months. I have decided that I will be doing a stream every week as long as I'm up to it, but I just need to figure out the best time to do so seeing as I live in Arizona and we have our own time zone.
Can you see the rolling eyes? Yes? Good.
I'm thinking Sunday's around noon or 1PM will be best so we'll test that out for the next few months.
My Twitter account has the announcements of me online, along with my tumblr and facebook! So keep an eye out on that. :D
Well, that turned out less rambely then I thought it would be. Huh.
Anyways, if you have any topic that you would like to see come around, feel free to comment and suggest!
Also, on Connie's Random Thoughts on May 11th, she will be posting the interview with me! My first interview! Woot! I hope you guys enjoy and read it. :D
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