Monday, April 18, 2016

Camp National Writing Month April 2016 - Days 11 to 17

Today's Ear Worm: Stitches by Orgy
Today's Date: April 18, 2016

April 11:
Word Count: 1,515
Total Word Count: 17,933
Thoughts for the Day:

So after I got something like 3 bits of writing done, I had a bit of a hard time getting back into the writing. But I did get something down and written, so that made me exceedingly happy with that.

April 12:
Word Count: 1,434
Total Word Count: 19,367
Thoughts for the Day:

Again, a long day but I got words done after going from my superhero book to another story that didn't have sex in the next chapter. I'm happy though and I'm going to write happy times tomorrow. Wish me luck. :D

April 13:
Word Count: 0
Total Word Count: 19,367
Thoughts for the Day:


I had to update the last couple of days because I forgot to do so on those days. I was trying REALLY hard to get those words out but I'm not focused and ready to go at it. I think I'm going to make a cup of Chocolate Orange Tea and write this sex scene in my superhero story.


I didn't make the words. I'm heading to bed because I'm falling asleep over my keyboard right now so I need to crash out. Nights!

April 14:
Word Count: 1,977
Total Word Count: 21,344
Thoughts for the Day:


After a bit of set up I'm finally getting into new words. Here's hoping that I'll get this done. And yes, I know, my reports of this shit has been getting small.

I've been out of it and doing other things. So sorry.

But I'm hoping to get these a little longer.


And I finished the chapter and even did some rewriting. I took a short nap for about 30 minutes around 6, and it was a welcomed distraction. I'm happily awake, for the moment, but will crash out very soon here.

I need sleep that doesn't include me waking up at the butt crack of dawn again. I hate when that happens.

But I suppose that I shall live, yes?

April 15:
Word Count: 0
Total Word Count: 21,344
Thoughts for the Day:

No actual words done. I swear that I got up and then suddenly it was late. I did start to get some words but not a lot all things considered. It's kind of a normal thing but still. That sucked.

April 16:
Word Count: 3,252
Total Word Count: 24,596
Thoughts for the Day:


Woke up and took a shower. That helped me to wake up so I'm going to start on getting some more words today. Cross the fingers.


I got 2, count 'em, 2!, chapters written up today! When I finished that second chapter, I squealed happily and twirled in my chair.

That hurt.

But I had some help. The lovely and sweet Crystal on Twitter (@CE_Writer) gave me some prompts (Owl, poison and haunted house) from her fantasy prompt dice. I took it and RAN with it. I pumped out so many words it was AMAZING.

I even got in a livestream with The Real Crazy M (@therealcrazym on twitter), which was a whole lot of fun. :D

Let's see how I do tomorrow, yes?

April 17:
Word Count: 1,940
Total Word Count: 26,536
Thoughts for the Day:

It is 9:54PM, and I'm about done with the only chapter that I was able to get this round alas. I woke up kind of late, about 1 instead of noon, which is odd for me nowadays since I tend to get up at a semi-decent hour.

Started writing about 3, and had to stop and rewrite everything that I had put down. It's so much smoother and once I finish this chapter, I'll rewrite the rest of it to fit in with the rewritten bit. Here's hoping yes?


As Five Finger Death Punch's song "Lift Me Up" plays on my Spotify, I'm sitting here going "F-my life", just without the censoring. Cause seriously...that was close!


For information on where I can be found and where you can see more updates, look below. Thank you.

If you can take some time want to see more up-to-date thoughts and information, please check out my Facebook Page, S.L. Lewis Writing, or my Tumblr, A Peek Into a Creative Mind. Or even my Twitter, S.L. Lewis (@SLStrailo). You can also check out my NaNoWriMo Account,Candy_Lips, and my matching CampNaNoWriMo Account,Candy_Lips.

I update all three on a near daily basis, at least on Twitter I do that more often then not, and my tumblr sometimes.

To watch me reach my word counts, look for #wordcountprodding. For Writer updates, look for either #amwriting or #amwriter, which are both used by others.

I'm also going to do my very first Livestream on Younow on May 2nd. Tune in to my twitter feed to find out the time that I'll be doing it. :D I hope to see you all there.

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