Monday, March 28, 2016

Preparing for Camp National Novel Writing Month - April 2016 pt 3

Today's Ear Worm: Masashi Hamauzu "Storm Before The Calm"
Today's Date: March 28, 2016

You know what? I thought I would do something different than what I wrote originally for this blog.

As I write this blog, it's only the 17th of March (St. Patrick's Day) and I just dragged my falling apart recliner out to the garbage.

So as I was trying to post some pictures to Twitter (which apparently hate me), I decided that I should do a blog post about the physical aspect of preparing for Camp National Novel Writing Month.

So here it is!

How I physically got ready for the free for all of Camp NaNo.

Told in pictures. And a Video.

The view from my bed. Messy yes?

A better view. 

I'm going to have to do some major cleaning before I start building the desk up!

I built the desk and killed myself doing so.

I'm ready. Bring it on!

There's a few people that I really want to thank for being such wonderful, inspiring people. And that I hope I don't annoy you to much.

Thank you, so much, for listening to me rant, rave, moan, and babble about my writing. You all inspire me so very much!

Note: All names are linked to their personal websites if I can find one for them, otherwise it's linked to their twitter or facebook. If I can find one or have one.

Necia Pheonix: NP, as I often call her, is a mother with a husband who is often working. She has some wonderful kids and one of them is actually getting into the writing world! She's a wonderful writer, an even more awesome mother, and an awesome snake mommy with some lovely babies.

She even has an Instagram to see her snaky babies on! Not going to link that though since she does have pics of kids on there to.

J.A. Marlow: Jammy! 

I met Jam back in...2013 right around the time that NaNo was starting (November). They were a wonderful person then and they're a wonderful person now, so I'm honored that they are so delightful.

They just lost their mother though, Mother Hen, and the world wept when she finally lost the battle. 10 days after she went to sleep and never woke up. She was a fighter to the end and loved all things art and writing. I just wish I had gotten to see Mother Hen when she was healthier, more there and doing what she loved to do. 

But I see MH in Jam and I'm always honored to know this wonderful person and to read their stuff.

...And to get attacked by bunnies from them. 

Lazette Gifford (her picture blog and her Joyously Prolific Journal): I know Zette a bit, but she's always delightful to talk with and her writing abilities are awe aspiring. Her books are perfectly wonderful and I love seeing her cats. They are so beautiful, and always trying to help mommy with the words!

I am amazed and honored that I know her. And I hope that life keeps treating her well.

Ashe Elton Parker: What to say about this wonderful person? Ashe is always willing to chat and talk about writing and life as it goes along. They're a wonderful person and have been through a lot themselves. But they are happy and living life which is a beautiful thing.

They currently have only had stuff published in the Forward Motion Anthologies (2012, 2013, 2014, and I believe they put a fourth one in 2015's to, but I can't be sure) currently but they are working hard on creating a build up of stories.

Still, they're a wonderful author, a lovely person, and someone I respect. 

Jennifer Amriss: Ah, what to say about the ever beautiful Arya? She is relatively new to the publishing world but less so to the writing world. She is beautiful and wonderful and so brilliant even though she worries about not being good enough.

I can tell you right now, I got my picky as all get out bibliophile of a friend ADDICTED to her stories. She's good. Trust me.

Take some time, go check out her site and bask in her amazing worlds. Buy her books as they come out and help support her and her kitty Punks. The kitty could use some catnip to drive her mommy even more insane.

Connie Cockrell: I have met Connie and I can tell you that she's a lovely, lovely person who needs more people reading her stuff. She started to write on a dare and got bit hard by the need for it! 

But she's a wonderful woman who is a wonderful person, who comments occasionally on my posts here, so thank you, Connie. Really. Your words are always a welcomed sight to my eyes.

Kathleen Roberts: I actually met her on...Im' not sure where but I have her on facebook, and ever since I have been getting to know her quite well. She's got an amazing mind and goes outside of the box for her ideas. So I'm happy to have her in my life to. 

:D It's always nice to have a friend who enjoys writing just as much as you do.

Now there are some people who I can't link to for various reasons, but I want to send out my thanks to Tonya, my heart sibling, Susan, a wonderful woman who is always willing to squeal about my stuff and is a dear friend, and her husband, Vaughan, who is like the brother that I always wanted. 

So thank you three. For being my rock outside of my mother. Really.

And thank you to all those who are here now, who follow my twitter, tumblr, or facebook page. Who silently support me in their own ways or take time to send kind words.

It all means a lot. 

Thank you.

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