Monday, June 27, 2016

Preparing for Camp National Novel Writing Month July 2016 Pt 4

Today's Earworm: Bradley Caleb Kane "Once" Or Alice Cooper's "I Am Made of You"
Today's Date: June 27, 2016

I'm actually writing this on the 23ed of June, so the numbers are a bit odd because I'm kind of doing mass amounts of writing. You'll see down below yes?


We are coming up on the last week before July starts. July 1st is on Friday so I'm going to finish getting ready to do my July. I have set my word count on the Camp NaNo site and have set up my novel choice for it.

Word count goal is 35K, or 35,000.

Story is a fanfiction that can easily turn into an original. Why? Because this story is nomming at my brain and all of the ideas for it are already making me cackle and make my fellow writers on Forward Motion chat cackle with me.

Some of the gems that I've shared? I warn you now, this is also on my twitter and is Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Or at least most of them aren't.

But whatever.
  1. I have a ball gag and ropes. I will truss you up like a kinky turkey to get you to shut up!
  2. Fuck. He went from "where's your daddy?" to "Fuck me daddy"! 
  3. Female character seeing the above character topic in 2: Well...damn! Fuck me daddy and make me cream! (Yeah, that's not subtle at all.)
Yes, this will be a rather sexual romp into another side of a world that we can only speculate. I'm actually trying hard to finish another story before Camp, but that might not happen.

67 chapters long, and I'm only on chapter 56 okay? I have 11 chapters to write in 7 days and some odd hours because it's just after 2AM here on the 23ed, so yeah. Fun times. 

I can get a good chunk of those chapters done (about 7 of them at the least) but I'm going to have to scatter them amongst the other chapters for this story so I can have it completely finished before my 10 week (by the 27th happens) end date of my other story. 


I'm not doing to bad all things considered but anything smutty (and I'm talking down and dirty, ranchy, pull out the toys for a little fun after reading that shit sex) has been a hard fought battle to get down. 

Thank you whoever invented disposable pens that actually write nicely, and lined 3 ringed paper. Thank you.

Yes. I have been writing by hand my smut. Let me tell you what, some of my pieces have gone from 3K up to hitting nearly 5K okay? And that's for one frickin' chapter. 

I also have a few other things I need to get off my list some I'm at the point of "Okay, where's my coffee and an all night spree of horror game playthroughs?"

My current choice (outside of Markiplier's "Amnesia" play throughs)? MrKravin. He really does have a very nice voice. I can tell you that.

Anyways, I'm going to go plot and write and curse and pull an all nighter so I can sleep most of the hot, hot, unbearably hot, day away. Seriously world? 120 degrees fahrenheit?

Yeah, I have to deal with that shit. Got to love desert living.

For now all, I hope you guys enjoy your day and hope that the words come easy!

As of Sunday, 6/26/2016: I have written 57 chapters, removed one chapter, and come down to 66 chapters. Why? Because one chapter didn't seem to fit once I got to it. So yeah, that happened. I have also hand written one (1) out of who knows how many smaller one-shots. I currently have about 6 oneshots for this story on the list but I'm also trying to get through my Through the Ages bk 1 first draft done.

But I'm still doing good considering I'm nearly living off of American Breakfast Tea (the tea version of a good cup of coffee) currently because my sleep schedule is shortened due to being flipped.

I'm going back to writing and twitter. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Preparing for Camp National Novel Writing Month July 2016 Pt 3

Today's Earworm:
Today's Date: June 20, 2016

I have decided to do something a little interesting because I keep seeing this running around, so this is my response to a lot of these. And I keep hearing this shit, so this is my response to things like this.

Don't worry, you shall get an actual update on where I am in regards to setting up my story and preparing for Camp this year here soon. Promise.

Anyways: What NOT To Say To a Writer

All of them make my eyebrow twitch in annoyance. Why? Because it's rude that's why!

If you want to see where a lot of these come from, check out the twitter hashtag #tenthingsnottosaytoawriter or just Google Ten Things Not To Say to a Writer. It's not that hard.

1) You write? That must be a nice hobby for you. My wife/partner/whathaveyou *insert hobby here*

Hobby? What is this hobby thing you're talking about? This is my career! I do this because it's what I love and what I can actually do. It's not a hobby.

Kindly stop comparing me writing to a hobby.

2) “Are you still writing?”

Yes, yes I am.

3) What do you mean, don’t drop by, you’re working? You’re just sitting around making stuff up.

I'm working. What do you not understand about this? If I was trying to do something you consider an actual job, you wouldn't be saying this! I have money to make and only a few hours in each day to do it in, okay?

4) You’re an author? I’ve got at least ten books in me.

Uh, so? I have hundreds of books in me and I'm going to write them all. I don't care if you have them in you. If you do nothing with them, they're not interesting to me. 

5) I have a great idea I want you to write for me. Can you draw up a contract detailing how we will split the advance and royalties?

No. Cause that's a lot of work and I don't want to write your supposedly "Great Idea" that is most likely overly cliched make me twitch into an early grave story. 

6) It’s irritating to wait a whole year for your next book. Can’t you write any faster?

I'm sorry, did my typing speed annoy you? Does the fact that I have to put a book down after finishing it for a month so I can come back to it with fresh eyes for rewriting and editing purposes annoy you?

Tough. As a writer I have an obligation to make sure whatever I put out is good!

7) I have the most amazing life story, but I don’t have time to write it. Maybe you can write it and we’ll go 50/50 on the royalties.

Me: No.

Person: Why not?

Me: Because I'll be doing ALL of the damn work and you'll be profiting from that. And I know your life. It's duller than that 50 Shades BS. So no.

Person: But...

Me: *sips coffee* No. 

Person: *pouts*

Me: *spikes the coffee* No. *goes back to killing off characters*

8) So can I have a free copy of your book?

No. As to why? I need to make money. I don't work for free thank you very much.

9) So what do you really do?

I write. That's what I do. I write. Oh and I make youtube videos with my friend about being broke. 

10) Do they even publish books anymore?

Shocking I know but yes, they do create actual real life books still. Surprising I know but there are people who want to have a nice solid book in hand. 


11) So you write romance novels? 

Person finding out I'm a female writer: So you write romance huh?

Me: Romance? Why? Because I am a female and that's all we can do? I write romance. Very short Male/Male romance stories. But my main genre? Horror.

Horror that will make you wonder where in the world I learned how to screw with a person's mind. Where you're left wondering what that noise you just heard was. Was it the wind? Or was it a murderous creature coming to slowly drain the life out of you.

And make you wonder where I learned to write such things.

Person: *stares in horror*

Me: *sips tea* High school was very informative.

12) I want to write a novel one day.

Uh, that's nice...why not now?

13) Want to edit something for me?

Want to pay me for it? It's 15 dollars an hour currently. And I'm only going to work on it for two hours at a time. It usually takes me about 30 hours to get through a 200 page manuscript to.

14) You're not published? Doesn't this mean that you're not really a writer? 

What? Because I'm not published means that I'm somehow not a 'real writer'? Let me tell you, I am a writer for the simple fact that I put words down and then I sit there and beat the story into submissions to get it just right for your viewing pleasure.

15)You need to move on to new material! 

No. No I don't. I will write what is fun for me to write and I will make money doing so.

16) That’s really cool that you want to write but I could never give up stability. 

Meaning you could never give up your cubical with a possibility of promotion for something that you enjoy and love. Personally, I would love to actually have a job but due to various issues, writing is my career.

Outside of the fact that I love it so much. 

17) I loved Fifty Shades of Grey! And the Twilight series!

Those series are so bad it hurts. Twilight is quite frankly a Mary Sue fest gone paranormal, the wolves are shapeshifters, not actual werewolves, and vampires don't sparkle. And Fifty Shades of Abuse is a how to guide to fucking up in the BDSM world. 

It's a very BAD fantasy of what the BDSM world should be. And it pisses me off. Don't make me throw you on that bonfire.

18) You should dedicate your book to me. 

No. No I should not. Because I don't know you. You only want your name on a book because it'll make you feel good, and because that way you can say you know a published author.

I have my choices for whom the books will be dedicated to. 

19) We don't pay, but it's a great opportunity for you to get your name out there!

Uhh, no. No I don't think so. Sorry, but not happening.

If it doesn't come with a pay check it doesn't happen. I have other ways of getting my name out there. Thank you.



I am still trying to not write on the story but I have been able to plot out a couple more chapters. I wrote down the summary for chapter 8 and 9 and went "Huh, smut in the first 9 chapters. This is going to be fun". Then...I started writing down pairing ideas.

My next thought? "OMG, this guy is going to get around so much".


Anyways, I have also received the contract for my Forward Motion 2015 Anthology submission from J.A. Marlow. J.A. has been amazing busy what working a new job for the summer and dealing with the loss of their mother.

Soon, very soon, the book shall be published and I'm happy to do this for no money.

Why? Because it supports the one forum that I've discovered that I like the most. So all proceeds from this book goes to upkeep and paying all sorts of things that go into the forum. I am able to publish it elsewhere or even publish it myself in a future collection if I want (which is good since it set off a duology and the scene will make it into book 2 in some form).

I'll keep you updated on what's going on with that and will add a small tidbit when it comes out!


Ugh! I am not sleeping very well, but I'm still working on creating an outline for the story. I have about a week and a half left before I have to worry about actually writing this darn thing but I'm getting there. Working on watching some anime, getting them off of my list because shit happens.

And that list is amazingly huge. Seriously huge. And some of them are longer than like 6 episodes.

Anyways, I'm getting things done and hopefully I'll get this story at least part of the way done by the time I get to that point. I have no idea how it's going to happen. I really don't.

I'm going to go back to finishing off another story and trying not to cry in horror at not having no extra sleep to keep me from killing people. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Preparing for Camp National Novel Writing Month July 2016 Pt 2

Today's Earworm: Highwayman by Bessech
Today's Date: June, 13, 2016

Preparing for Camp National Novel Writing Month July 2016 Pt 1


I have settled on what I'm going to write along with the secondary stories. I have decided to do a story that I'm really not going to go into since I haven't decided if it's going to stay as a fanfic or become an original.

Either way it's going to be fun to write. That's for sure.

I have been planning out the story and talking ideas with a friend of mine for the last few days. Yesterday had me sleeping most of the day away before going to bed at a rather early hour. But I kind of needed it apparently.

But I still have a lot to do yet.


God, what to say? There's really not a whole lot to say since I'm working on getting things set up and ready to go for this round of Camp.

My back is killing me, my muses are running around like insane little bastards and I'm trying so hard to finish off a few things before it comes time to start this insanity.

What am I to do?


My muses decided to calm down enough for me to work on things and get other stories down and out of the way. Which is a good thing since I want to get this one story done before I start on Camp here. It keeps coming closer with every hour that passes by me.

And life keeps going nuts on us. I swear. It's driving me up a wall. But I keep going.

Because I can't really stop and just say "I want to quit". Life doesn't work like that, no matter how we want it to.

Yeah, I'm sounding a bit depressed because of real life stress.

Anyways, I just want it to be July already! I really, really want to write this story.

I already have 5 chapters planned out (and 3 out of 8 total written because I did start it but the rules do state that you can continue a story, but you must only count the new words, so yeah) and I'm always plotting what will happen in future chapters. I also need to watch a few things and make notes.

Urgh. Not happy making.

But I'm going to do it because I need those notes for other stories to. >< I swear one day I'm going to have this huge bookshelf just jammed pack full of notebooks with various notes.

I sigh now. And go back to writing.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Preparing for Camp National Novel Writing Month July 2016 Pt 1 & Writers Advice

Today's Earworm: Mr. Uninvited by Bessech
Today's Date: June 6, 2016

Today was a day of shopping. Which wasn't happy making, but I got it done! Yes.

Anyways, as of right now, I am setting up to get ready for the next round of Camp National Novel Writing Month, which starts July 1st. Again, I'm going for like 35K for the round, but that's about normal since I usually average about 20 to 30K a month in my normal writing and rewriting work.

I have so much to work on that it's not funny. So I'll just go over what I have in the works that need to be done.

1) Untitled M/M pairing short story

This story is going to end up around 24 chapters in length, about 13 of those chapters are complete rewrites with a couple being split into two parts. It's an older story that I had finished, but after a couple years of letting it sit I decided that it needed a full on rewrite/fleshing out.

So if I do do this story, I'm going to have to write at least one chapter and one chapter rewrite as I come across them. I'll probably end up finishing it half-way through the month.

2) All You Need

Again, this is a full on rewrite/flesh out story that is a couple of years old and I have no idea how long it will be. I need to fill out the first half of the story yet, which means that it's going to be interesting. I have something like 5 chapters planned out so far? When I get to the main chunk of the story there's going to be another 10 chapters added, at least.

I'm still working on getting it planned out since I need to flesh out the world and the plot line yet.

3) Thread the Needle - Don't Look Bk 0

I actually got about 3 chapters into this story before steam just kind of tapered off. I'm working on building the world some more and building the outline but that's going to be interesting to do. That's for sure.

Especially since it's the entire basis for the rest of the Don't Look books.

4) Untitled Superhero Book - Through the Ages Bk 1

I'm somewhere in the 20's chapter for this story (since I don't have that file open right now and I'm not going to open it). I have about 37 chapters planned for this story so I might be able to finish it if I go with this story. We'll have to see how things go in the long run.

5) Random other short or almost done stories

I have a lot of these stories actually. A lot. Most of them are fanfiction but there are some originals, like the Forward Motion 2016 anthology submission that I'm working on. I just need to work it out.

As it is I think I'm going to use this time to think about my Butterfly Living world that I started oh so long ago. I swear that I need to rewrite that first book like nothing else. I might start playing with that idea here soon because that and the Crimson series are both eating my mind. Need to finish a few other stories first.

Fun times.

Time for some Advice from one writer to another:

Write. Every. Single. Day.

I can not tell you how many people who come to me and ask me how I get so many words done are always surprised when I simply say "I write every single day". They just sit there and go "No, way".

Yes way.
I get up. Turn my computer on. Go to the bathroom. Come back and log on (because dangit I am going to make idiots log on if they want at my stuff). Go get water/tea/breakfast. Come back. Say hi to my friends and writing cheerleading squad (who are made of the awesome), open a couple of files that I use to type up whatever I working on then. 

Make my tea. I usually let my tea steep while I'm doing the rest so I have my sugar and a spoon close at hand to sweeten as needed. I also take the time to start eating.

I then open up my Chrome, and for all the bs it puts me through, the GDocs are still my baby, wait for my tabs to open, and find the tab with my current file. 

I start to write.

And write.

And write some more.

I say hi to my friend who comes on. Tell her what file I'm in and go back to writing.

Or I'll be rewriting that day.

If I'm editing, I'm just usually editing my OpenOffice Writer file because I don't want to deal with the gdoc for whatever reason.

I'm doing something in regards to my writing. Anything! Every. Single. Day. 

Even those days that I have a migraine that takes down an elephant. Once I can see straight, sit up, and stare at paper or my tablet, I'm working on something. Usually plot points that my drugged up mind comes up with for later editing and figuring out how to make them possible.

It's not amazing. It's not a super power. It's good old fashioned hard work.

Ask any published writer who is serious about their work, and they'll tell you getting into the habit of doing something in regards to your writing takes practice. And time to get used to. But if you really want to see your name on a printed version of your book with some money coming in from sales, you Write. Every. Single. Day. 

I'm sorry to say but holidays are non-existent to most writers. We write. Be it on paper, phone, tablet or computer. We write.

To those who are just coming onto this and are horrified by this, go to the Camp NaNo website for the April or July, rounds of Camp, sign up, create your book, set your word count (minimum is 10K), and practice getting words every single day. I use these months as a way to finish off a few smaller projects (as shown above).

Or even join in the insanity that is National Novel Writing Month in November. Go to the NaNoWriMo website and sign up. Minimum word count? 50 thousand words in 30 days.

No, I'm not being paid to tell you to do this but my first Nano was back in 2009. I've won every single one that I've been a part of since. It taught me how to turn off my editors brain to get the words down and out. It also taught me how to write every day without fail. 

And I carried those lessons over into my writing career, just like every author and writer before me.

So again: Write. Every. Single. Day. And don't whine about it.

You're the one who chose to pick up writing as a career path. I get enough of that from the 12 to 18 year olds who come to me about writing advice. 

Until next week!