Today's Earworm: Treat Me Like a Lady by Anneke van Giersberben
Today's Date: March 6, 2017
So, wow! Has it been a year since the last April Camp NaNo? Why, yes, yes it has been!
And what a year it has been. It's been up and down, left and right, and twisting all over the place.
But I'm here to start plotting for what I'm going to do with Camp this round. I am doing a mix of fanfiction and originals, but here, for this purpose, I'm going to talk about the originals I'll be touching on during this month. I'm hoping to get at least 12 or more original chapters/scenes done.
So, I'm going to break down what I'm going to focus on this round.
Bad Dog
- As of right now? I'm still rewriting chapter 1 and turning it into 2 chapters to smooth out the lovely info dumping that I did. I need to finish that off, go through the other 6 chapters to make sure that I didn't do that to much more, and then start planning on what I'm going to do next. I have a general idea and it's going to be interesting to say the least.
I still blame Ashe for this. I swear.
Total Written Chapters as of 3/6/2017: Prologue plus 6
Total Chapters Planned as of 3/6/2017: 1
Mean Bunny (2015 NaNo Novel)
- I haven't really touched this one outside of rewriting the original chapters. I know where I want to go with this story and I know that I will write on it this month, so I'm hoping that I have a rather good sized list of stories to write come April will help in this fact.
I'm hoping. Cross your fingers with me?
Total Written Chapters as of 3/6/2017: Prologue plus 7
Total Chapters Planned as of 3/6/2017: 2
Follow Me Down
- Ahh, this story holds a special place in my heart. I love my little insane Oniel and his fascinating world. I'm actually going to have a friend work on some things for this world with me because she knows this world and loves it just as much as I do. And she helped create one of the more crazy characters.
I am getting back into this world this April. One way or the other.
Total Written Chapters as of 3/6/2017: 2
Total Chapters Planned as of 3/6/2017: 1
Untitled Prompt Horror Story
- This story was one that I started because I was bored. So I went and hunted down 25 one word prompts. And proceeded to build an outline out from around them.
I have about 25 prompts total and I'm rather fascinated by this world since it's a mix of history and present, and is focused, mostly, on the detective who is trying to figure out just what happened to our victim. It's a mix of ghostly horror and mystery so, all around, a lot of fun to work ont.
Total Written Chapters as of 3/6/2017: 2
Total Chapters Planned as of 3/6/2017: 25
So I hope this gives you an idea of what I'm working on planning next, and hope that those who are joining us at Camp Nano reach their goals!
Once more, I'm hoping to hit about 35K, if not 50K in April. Cross my fingers and pray!
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